Finals of the Žedno Cup – Bomba bend

Žedno | 15.07. | 21:00h

This year, the 15th edition of the traditional soccer tournament in Žedno starts on June 29 and lasts until July 15, when the final of the Žedno Cup awaits us and the Bomba band will entertain us until late into the night!

This year, the competitors will play on the renovated surface of the playground, and even the youngest will get a chance, as a children’s tournament is also being organized.

The tournament is played according to the 3 (players) + 3 (substitutes) system, and the best players expect valuable cash prizes:

  1. 1500€
  2. 700€
  3. 300€
  4. 150€

We are looking forward to the 15th traditional Žedno Cup, and we invite all fans of sports and good entertainment to visit Žedno on July 15, 2023 at the big final party with the Bomba band!





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