September 13th – 14th, 2024 at 7:30 PM

The seventh “Bokun Festival – Festival of Silent Film and Other Senses” will take place on Friday and Saturday, September 13th and 14th, 2024, starting at 7:30 PM in Malarija Park, located in the old UNESCO-protected center of Trogir. Under the slogan “Culture to the People,” the festival celebrates the 95th birthday of Mickey Mouse. The official birthdate of the world’s most famous animated mouse is recorded as November 18, 1928, in the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Burbank, California, but in the imagination of young Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966), Mickey was born much earlier and in a different place. The first film the future animator, director, and screenwriter ever saw was Charlie Chaplin’s “Kid Auto Races at Venice” (1914), where the world’s most famous silent film comedian first brought to life the character that made him famous – The Tramp.
Thirteen years later, Walt Disney, in his studio, sketched the first version of Mickey Mouse – a smiling, dancing mouse with oversized shoes – an animated version of Chaplin’s Tramp.
Over two evenings, during the Bokun Festival on Friday and Saturday, September 13th and 14th, in Malarija Park in Trogir, in collaboration with The Walt Disney Company, films featuring Mickey Mouse and his companion Minnie Mouse will be screened. New musical compositions will be created for some of the films and performed live with special effects. Alongside Disney’s animated films, silent films featuring Charlie Chaplin (1914-1917) in the role of The Tramp will also be screened.

Silent film composer Mitja Reichenberg will compose and provide instrumental accompaniment for Charlie Chaplin’s films, while Deni Pjanić will compose and perform music for Walt Disney’s animated works featuring Mickey Mouse. Painter Stanisav Huljić will be painting live during both evenings, inspired by Mickey and Charlie. Actor Donat Zeko will perform a piece on the same theme. In collaboration with the Ballet Studio of the Croatian National Theatre in Split, led by dance pedagogue Bruna Reić, young dancers will open the festival by portraying little mice. After the film program, DJ Damir Duplančić will play music from the first half of the 20th century.
Admission to the Bokun Festival is free!!!
Culture to the People!