September 17 – 28, 2024 | TROGIR TOWN MUSEUM

The opening of the exhibition FRACTALS Reflections of Totality 2024 by Emil Heron Vargović will take place in the exhibition space of the Museum of the City of Trogir on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 7:00 PM. The exhibition, which will be open until September 28, will be inaugurated by academic artist Mejrema Reuter, curator and documentarist Daniela Kontić, and the author of the exhibition, in whose “creative world, mathematics ceases to be a set of dry formulas and becomes a dance of energy, which, like music, carries us where we ourselves wish to go.” The original music of Mejrema Reuter, which will fill the exhibition space, is deeply intertwined with the therapeutic effect of fractals. Auditory and visual elements merge into a dynamic sensorium that flows following a neurological sequence.