Tourism in Trogir records highest numbers of arrivals and overnight stays than ever in May 2023!
After a three-year period of global and domestic tourist instability, the town of Trogir is returning to the track of constant growth in tourist arrivals and overnight stays. The town has visited a total of 20,733 guests, achieving 54, 013 overnight stays since January 1 until May 31, 2023., which represents an increase in arrivals of 60,87% and an increase in overnights stays of 33,81% compared to the same period in 2022.
This year’s number of overnight stays surpassed those of the record year 2019, by 8.23% more overnight stays for the first half of the year.

In the mentioned period, we were mostly visited by guests from Germany, France and Poland, and it is necessary to highlight a significant number of arrivals from the United Kingdom, the USA, the Netherlands and Ukraine.
The town of Trogir can especially boast about the increase in the number of domestic guests in 2023 compared to previous years. This is an extremely important component because a higher share of domestic guests is one of the most important indicators of the success in destination tourism. Growing domestic tourism does not cause an outflow of tourist consumption, which means that the economy of the local community recovers and grows faster.

It is safe to say that the month of May has never been better.
The most overnight stays in May record the guests from Germany, France and Poland. A total of 29,780 overnight stays and 11,113 tourist arrivals were recoreded in May 2023. Compared to May 2022, there were 48,97% more arrivals and 42,69% more overnight stays. In May 2023, we also recorded 6,32% more overnight stays compared to the same period in the record year 2019. Considering these numbers, we can freely forecast a fantastic season.
However, the growth of tourist numbers in May is certainly the result of the continuous development of tourism in Trogir which starts from the provision of an adequate infrastructure support, which is systematically upgraded from year to year. The development of manifestations and events should not be left out, especially in the pre-season period. The town of Trogir complemented its portfolio of events this spring and attracted numerous domestic and foreign visitors, and will continue at the same pace in the heart of the season and post – season.